24 January, 2014

Carousel Hat Pattern

Sorry for being away so long, I was busy writing a pattern for a hat style I've been making recently.


Well, if you're interested, here's the pattern.

07 December, 2013

Banksy Flower Protestor Chart

Some more Banksy-inspired stuff.

Yes, it came from a cross-stich I saw on Pinterest.

I painstakingly charted this for your use. Enjoy.

This is the chart, straight up, no frill, nothing to help you count the stitches, if you're in to that sort of chart.

I also broke it up into four bits:

Annnnd here's the whole thing again, this time with the asterisks for guidance:

 It's 100 stitches tall and 69 stitches wide, if you go by my reference border(the gray bit on the edges).

 If any of you use it, please leave me a link in comments!

29 November, 2013

Valar Morghulis Chart

I'm a big fan of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, also known as Game of Thrones. It's full of breathtaking imagery, beautifully plotted characters, and a plot so twisting you can't help but become engrossed.

One of my favorite characters is Arya Stark, and a phrase she learns in the book is Valar Morghulis, or, All Men Must Die.

Some mindless PInterest surfing lead me to a chart for the phrase.

The link lead to a place to purchase a pdf for the chart, but as it's seemingly simple I decided to chart it out instead.

It's 87 stitch wide and 42 stitches tall, if you go by my black referencing frame. If any of you use it, please send me a link in comments!

21 November, 2013

Balloon Girl Chart

Once again, another Pinterest chart.

It started as a Banksy piece that had been translated into a cross stitch, but the link didn't lead to a chart, so I decided to make my own.

This chart is 40 stitches wide and 64 stitches tall, if you go by my gray referencing border. If any of you out there uses it, please send me a link in comments!

09 November, 2013

Anchor Chart/Wall Hanging

Came across another lovely Pinterest picture:

Funny enough, this one links to another Etsy store, too, only this one was $150 and it's rather easy(at least in my mind) to make.

Maybe a bit of pegboard screwed onto a frame of 2x4's, wrapped in jersey knit(or, any fabric, really), then embroider the design? If anybody out there feels like attempting it, I made a small graph of the anchor pattern.

I guess you can flip this, then trace it onto the back of the pegboard for a stitching guide. I'll might give this a try one day.

Enjoy the chart!

04 November, 2013

Phoenix Chart

While browsing on Pinterest, I came across this lovely cross-stitch chart:

Now, it linked to a sold Etsy page of an empty shop, so I decided to chart it back myself for easier use. That started with some notes-

 And so, opening OpenOffice Calc, I began:

My counting was off since it's a horribly blurry picture, so new notes were needed.
(I apologize for the terrible-looking numbers)

Time to begin again now:

And now, the chart in three parts for your enjoyment:

On the black lines, it's 131 tall and 73 wide.

Enjoy the chart!